Mega Power Star ram charan and ace director V.V.Vinayak’s new movie’s title had been considered as ‘Cherry’ till some days ago. However, the makers of the film are said to have felt that the title of the movie must reflect the heroism and so they have reportedly taken a decision to change the title of the movie. Furthermore, it is reliably learnt that the title of the movie has been confirmed as ‘NAAYAK’. We need to wait for the official announcement from the makers about this title.
Voluptuous beauty Kajal Aggarwal is doing the female lead of this movie. Sexy sizzling lady Amala Paul is the second heroine of the movie. S.S.Thaman is scoring the music for this mass entertainer. Chiranjeevi’s old melody ‘Subhalekha raasukunna’ song is being remixed for this movie. D.V.V.Danayya is producing this movie under the banner Universal Media.The movie is slated for Pongal, 2013 release.
Voluptuous beauty Kajal Aggarwal is doing the female lead of this movie. Sexy sizzling lady Amala Paul is the second heroine of the movie. S.S.Thaman is scoring the music for this mass entertainer. Chiranjeevi’s old melody ‘Subhalekha raasukunna’ song is being remixed for this movie. D.V.V.Danayya is producing this movie under the banner Universal Media.The movie is slated for Pongal, 2013 release.
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