"D For Dopidi" is the latest movie starring Varun Sandesh and Sundeep Kishan in lead roles, Nani Given the Voiceover to the movie, This was annouced by Varun and Sudeep in Twiter..

Nani Tweeted as :
@Nameisnani is givin d voice over narration 4 D for Dopidi.. nice 2 have u in d team bro:-) n grt 2 kno u likd d trailer.” 

Sudeep Kishan Tweeted as :
“Thank @NameisNani for taking the time out to give the voiceover for #DforDopidi,Owe you 1 buddy.”

Melanie Kannokada is the heroin and directed by Siraj Kalla and music composed by Mahesh Shankar. Movie is Releasing this February